I know you don’t like Facebook. You don’t have the time to return phone calls and emails, much less wasting it looking at what your friends had for lunch.
I get that!
And I get that you can’t stand the triviality.
When you looked at your kid’s Facebook stream all you could see was LOLs and :-)s and PMSLs and photos of someone’s lunch.
That’s just not you, right?
You’d rather have a conversation, one that’s deep and thoughtful – over coffee or wine.
But think about this.
Those moments of trivial are what happens in between big life events. They’re what people talk about when they’re not graduating from uni, getting married, having a kid, or going to funerals – and that’s most of the time!
And, unless I’m mistaken, you’re interested in those big, life-changing events. You want to know because you care about your friends and family, your clients and colleagues.
That’s what makes you such a great conversationalist!
Sadly, you’re missing out on those big events because you won’t tolerate the small ones. And that denies you from showing how much you care!
So, just for a moment, stop using your dislike of your kid’s friends’ lunch photos as an excuse. In that moment, get in there and have a go. It won’t make you trivial and it won’t make you shallow. Instead, it will give you something more to talk about over coffee or wine.
And that will make you an even better conversationalist.
Photo of sandwich: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nuskyn/4462573611/