Today, I’m paying my bills earlier
I have a habit of paying my bills late. Then I beat up on myself when the late penalties and reminder notices arrive.
Supposedly it’s clever to keep the money in my account and earn interest. In reality, it’s just a way to create a micro drama.
As of now that stops.
Starting today I’m paying my bills when they arrive. Not on the due date but right now! Pay it, file it (or bin it) then be free to think about something more productive, creative and inspiring.
I’m up for more inspiration.
Today I’m meditating more
I meditate to see more clearly. To discover who I am stripped bare.
But lately I’ve gone missing from the mat.
My office is no longer suited to meditation. That’s the excuse. So today I’m going to create a space that’s quiet and serene, a place to be with the stillness and silence. A place to become.
Today, I’m acting earlier
Very often I leave things not done. They stay that way until someone reminds me. It create another mini-drama. It makes me the centre of attention. It makes me the hero even though I’m the villain.
It’s not healthy.
Today, as I write these words, I’m acting earlier.
Image credit: miumiumi on Picasa web albums