Everything's big in Kalgarin


I was in the zone this week. It began with a 5000/365 progress report, which led to the discovery of a great WordPress plugin that produces the table you see below. Inspired by the Daily Post challenge I wrote about my worst ever job interview and then about a grumpy real estate agent who happens to be a social marketing machine. After reading some ads online I thought it was time to make some suggestions about writing better real estate ads. I then found a great resource for agents wanting single property web sites.

How amazing is Anna Bligh? Her leadership during the Queensland floods has been exceptional.

The week ended with a trip to Kalgarin where I trialled the WordPress app for the iPhone.

All up that’s 8 posts for the week for a total of 13 for the year.

Jacob’s Ladder

It’s getting easier. I get a bit down when I think of the amount that’s still in front of me. When that happens I focus on taking the next step.

[table id=2 /]

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