People are buying lifestyle not a house.

It’s important to become a hyper local expert.

Start building a newsletter called How’s the Market.

Buy a Kodak video camera and do a monthly video market report. Send this out to our past clients. Your clients are now seeing you online.

Geographic farming.
It’s all about lifestyle. Record on video the same info you’d send in the mail. Create some market commentary.

Four most important consumer questions for a website
1. Use the term market statistics.
2. How much is my home worth. Share with them
3. What’s for sale. Add some coming soon listing (use your site as an exclusive launch pad)
4. Blog, which answers the question why should they choose you as an agent. Allow people to post reviews. Be open to negative reviews.

Open Houses
Drive traffic to your website. Get to the point where people say “I see you everywhere”.

Be social. Have lots of pillars to extend your brand.

Make your listing presentation consumer-centric. Show case your full team. Show that people are buying 8 for the price of 1.

Start your video blog.

Pre-qualify your vendors so your presentation can be customized for the individual seller.

Show up 15 minutes early. Video yourself doing a pre-sales video in the front yard. Explain to the seller the importance of the video to the sales process.

Q John McGrath How do you deal with fee discounters?
TF you’re not going to win every time. Arm yourself with info and stats. How many transactions do they do? List to sale percentage? Show why the seller is better listing with a full service firm.

JM Soft market, what are your suggestions to get the buyer to make a decision?
TF When, where, why and what’s your plan B? Buyers who are buying for lifestyle are motivated. Don’t waste time on the rest.

3 questions
What’s the worst case scenario? Don’t try the happy sale. Address their fears. Flush out, listen to their fears. Don’t defend.

What’s the most likely scenario?

What’s the best case scenario?

We want the emotion to come out and that allows the anxiety balloon to deflate.

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