We list and sell properties. US market is extremely challenging. We work harder than ever. 3 – 4 deals to get one deal through.

Get a handle on the basics.
Have an ideal day.
Prospect every day.
Change your voicemail message daily.
Look the part, act the part.
Send out 5 thank you notes every day.
Hold yourself accountable.

Time management
Time is the most valuable asset we have.
Develop a business plan. Give it some blue sky and inject it with some reality.
Have a reason to do business, create a day plan.
Have a clean desk to reduce clutter.
Know who you’re going to call and be ready to go. Ideal days turn into ideal weeks.
Get a headset.
Block out time. Set expectations by advising when you’re going to return calls.

5 ways to double your sales income

Understand your numbers
How many calls are you making each day? How many of these are turning into face-to-face meetings? How many of these turn into listings taken and sales made?
Know the total number of hours worked? How many of these are productive?

Prospect continually
Wear your name tag.
Ask for referrals.
Learn your scripts and dialogues.
Delegate everything

Be accountable
Get a coach, improve your skills.

Eliminate negativity
Change your family and friends.

Five killer time management tips
Have a checklist for everything
Have a clean desktop
Confirm tomorrow’s appointment today
CITO – Come Into The Office
Prioritize the 5 most important responsibilities for the week
Don’t get sucked into the black hole of the computer. Minimize the time spent in front of the screen.

This too shall pass.
Lillian documented her battle with breast cancer. Appointments were scheduled around the days when she was sick from breast cancer. Nothing is more important than your health. Care for it.

Shadow people who are successful. Treat each day as special. Journal each day. Ask what created the most success. Find something to laugh about and pass it on.

We have a choice. If we chose to whine we lose time. Don’t be held back by the past.

Our mission: To passionately serve all our clients with dignity, integrity on a daily basis.

Q: What advice would you give to a female wanting to start a family and have a carreer.
LM: Include that in your business plan. Be present to your family during family time.

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