I’m working on a concept proposed by Battaile that transgression, limits, and the death of god are connected. A friend sent me a link to a post on Larval Subjects, some of which I quote here.

“As such, the death of God signifies first and most fundamentally the end of the primacy of the One in whatever form it might take. To announce the death of God is, as both Deleuze and Badiou have declared, to simultaneously declare that the One, the identical, the same, is only a product, a result, a term-become rather than a foundation or first. As such, metaphysics in the wake of God is a metaphysics that seeks to think difference first and to see identity as a result or product. That is, we must be vigilant in tracking down and eradicating all remainders of theology within such a thought.”

What I take from this is that god can only be thought from the position of a homogenous individual — the One — and to die as a subject is to bring about the death of god.

As you can probably here I’m on shaky ground here. In a perfect place really.

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