I crossed a threshold yesterday. I’m now over the 10 000 word hurdle. It’s kind of funny because I’m now getting concerned that I’m not going to fit everything in.

I read an article last week that had me a bit excited about the intersection of transgression and subjectivity. In particular this idea of the death of god had me jumping a bit. But I think I may have been a bit literal with my reading of the theory so I’m almost ready to ditch it. Still, they’re may yet be a critique coming along feminist lines. One of my peers said that I might be classed pro-feminist. Labels, labels, labels. Perhaps I’m just an apostate.

Tomorrow I’ll put the finishing touches on a section about the development of sex as a scientific base of knowledge. It feeds into the development of sex as discourse and the telling of truth to power. The confession of truth to power is a means by which power can hide its operation until it can act on a subject. In the case of the Mormon church it doesn’t need to hide for too long as it starts the subjectivation process while kids are in the cradle. In their defense capitalist societies do the same thing with kids by telling them they need to be consumers from a very early age. Is their any subject position that we can inhabit in a truly creative and free manner?

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