Monthly Calendar Challenge - January 2011

January is nearly over and my blogging and stair-climbing is on track. I’m well ahead in the stair climbing and a few behind in the blogging.

This Week’s Blog Posts

  • The 5000/365 Progress report. I do this report each week as a wrap up of the previous week. Interestingly these reports have a low bounce rate, possibly because they have so many links to other posts. I’ll keep an eye on this one.
  • Five Cool Posts Discovered in Google Reader. I use Google Reader a lot both personally and as part of the services I provide so I’m always coming across interesting and cool stuff.
  • The Day The Bank Cut Off Supply. I found writing this post emotionally draining and was in tears on a number of occasions. It’s one of my more popular posts and I’m humbled to see that more than 20 of my friends shared it with their friends on Facebook. It’s truly a gift to have received so many comments of support and encouragement.
  • Our Burnt Orange Lemon. This was a story about our family’s P76. It was originally written on a writing course I did a couple of years ago so I thought it was worth publishing, especially so close to Australia Day.
  • Leaning Into The Pain. In the last part of the week I’d noticed I was feeling extra sore and sluggish on the ladder so I thought I’d look at what was happening. What I noticed that things got easier when I was leaning into the pain.
  • Coles and Woolworths: The Hungry Beasts. I was prompted to write something about grocery price gouging when a mate published a link to a video on his blog.
  • Is Australia Still Fair? I wanted to do this post on Australia Day but it was still on my mind four days later. Our leaders are letting us down and big business and lobby groups are defining what’s fair in Australia. It’s time to take a stand.

That’s a total of 7 posts for the week, bang on target. So far this year I’ve written 27 posts. Apparently I’ve got to write one about kittens. What?

Jacob’s Ladder

I lifted my work rate this week, both in the number of days and the number of laps per day. My best was 30. I climbed every day. A combination of the that and the heat had me feeling sluggish on Thursday and Friday but I started to feel much better Saturday and Sunday.[tweetmeme]

The heat this week was taxing. On Friday I went through 2 litres of water in 80 minutes. My fluid intake throughout the day is around 3 litres. On most days I mix a one litre bottle with Hydralite and take a magnesium tablet. Not sure it’s doing me any good, but I’m told it is.

On Wednesday I ran out of fuel. I always take some small snacks and relied on these heavily to get me through the last 10. It was a tough, tough day at the office.

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