I can write on walls and comment on posts but nothing will ever match turning up, in the flesh, and being present with and for another human being.
Nothing will ever beat hand-delivered flowers, ones that say ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’.
Nothing matches a smile that makes the corners of your eyes wrinkle. It’s a gift that lifts and inspires. All the :-)’s ever written will never beat just one beaming, happy face.
Nothing comes close to a hug. ‘*hugz*’ is nice but will never match the real thing, one that says ‘I’m with you’.
And nothing makes magic like the sound of joyous, happy laughter. Smilies never will, nor will emoticons and LOL’s. In comparison they’re but cheap facsimiles of the real thing.
That’s my take on social media. It’s just media. And media means putting something between us. It’s always the second option. [tweetmeme]
Photo credit: whologwhy on Flickr