The best leaders communicate vision and mission. Yet, they do more than that – they use communication to create shared vision and mission. That means communicating doubt and having the courage to admit they don’t know all the answers.

As a leader I’d much rather have all the answers and everything perfect. But getting results and moving fast demands that you stay fluid and ask for help. That pulls people into your world and gives them a sense of how they can be a bigger version of themselves by helping you.

Getting things perfect is the reverse of what works to get results. Artists know that no portrait is ever perfect. Authors know that no words are ever good enough. There’s always something that could be done better. But the great artists press the go button. They declare enough. They stop painting and move to another canvas.

And that’s what’s needed in this life, the ability to communicate something that isn’t perfect and let the world deal with that imperfection in its own way.

For now, keep hitting the publish button. Keep putting things into play that aren’t quite right. It’s that activity that gets things done.

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