The web can be a dangerous place, especially for families. It pays to take precautions. Here are a few salient tips from web guru Alexandra Samuel that will help keep your kids safe.

I encourage you to adapt this approach to your own goals and comfort level, but would strongly encourage you to stick to the following dos and don’ts unless and until you have a high degree of technical skill and a strong knowledge of online privacy and related issues:


  1. Share kid-related content only with people you know well, trust, and who want to hear about your kids.  A smaller circle = lower risk to your kids, less annoyance to your uninterested friends.
  2. Check your privacy settings on a regular basis to ensure your kids’ content is still protected on any social network you use to share their images or stories.
  3. Let your friends and family know if and how they can re-share your kids’ news and photos.
  4. Teach your kids to think critically about what they share online by including them in the decision about what to post.
  5. Listen to your kid if he or she asks you not to post a photo, video or status update about him or her.
  6. Share your friends’ responses to your kid-related content so your kids know their news and pictures are appreciated.
  7. Learn as much as you can about online safety and privacy before expanding access to your kids’ content.


  1. Post any pictures of your kids in a state of undress.
  2. Post your kids’ real names or identifying information (like schools or after-school programs).
  3. Post pictures or videos of your kids with their friends, unless their friends’ parents have given you their written permission to do so.
  4. Post anything your kids would find embarrassing or object to you sharing.
  5. Post anything you wouldn’t want your kids to see or read in 20 years (because they will).

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