Presented by Emily White, Senior Director Local, Facebook.

Real estate agents are the original social networkers. Facebook just takes that online.

Local is social. We find out about what’s going on in our community through social.

People want to go to great places. Local is conversational. Businesses are affected by recommendations through local conversations.

Find a way to continue offline relationships online. Discovery is happening both on and off-line.

When someone sees that a friend is at a restaurant they’re more likely to do business with that place.

Word-of-mouth at scale. It’s WoM magnified through an online network.

Deals that are shared with friends are three times more likely to be taken up.

Pages product is the real meat of the local experience. Five best practice:

Create a page. Keep it interesting.
Connect the virtual and physical. Put your website and Facebook page on your card.
Engage with fans. Welcome them. Think about Facebook as a party. That takes effort. Keep them updated. Engage with them.
Acquire new fans. Give people the option to Like your page quickly.
Get them back to your store. Take something that’s action oriented and ask your fans to do something.

Research shows that Facebook fans want latest news, contests, discounts.

Facebook has found a sweet spot at around 3 updates per week.

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