While all the focus is on Facebook, with its 500 – no, make that 600 gonsquillion users email is still the primary online means of connecting people. Over 91 percent of 18-64 year olds stay in touch using email. That’s a lot.

The take out message from Max Kalehoff is clear: Don’t dismiss email and don’t get dazzled in the glare of the headlights. Email is still the primary social network.

Now consider the natural, authentic and deeper social connections inherent in email. Steve Hodson, who blogs at WinExtra.com, noted that his email connections “have risen up the ranks of the network over time and as such have more of a trust factor associated with them that you will never find elsewhere.” Actual writing, thoughtful interaction and more manual contact management lead to connections far more significant than superficial layers of distributed pokes and passive status feeds.

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