It’s a rhetorical question. Most marketers know the importance of owning a brand presence. A brand web site gives a brand complete control over message and method; and that’s important. While ‘leasing’ space off Facebook is quick and easy that ease comes at the cost of a loss of control.[tweetmeme]
Still, maintaining web traffic when Facebook is gobbling up so much online attention, is difficult. And often traffic to a Facebook. That’s why Jeff Bullas says.
While Facebook is becoming the biggest relationship marketing tool for brands, it seems like that instead of increasing traffic to the company website, Facebook is actually absorbing it. Marketers across the globe are wondering whether their brand websites will disappear and if there will still be a need for an official website in five years. Will the users still visit the company websites or will they only use Facebook and apps to check the news and offers?
Using iFrames, Pages can now include many features that were previously difficult to achieve.
Bullas goes on to say that there are a number of ways marketers can develop synergies between a Facebook Page and a brand web site. These include:
- Providing links back to the brand web site from tabs and pages
- Using blog excerpts containing a “Read More” link to build traffic to the brand blog
- Displaying links to other social media platforms
- Giving people a reason to leave their email address on the landing page
- Creating a Facebook competition which requires finding information on your website or blog. Announce the winner will be published on the brand web site (I love this idea).
- Create a special Fans Only offer that is available from the web site.
- Offer Fans Only specials available only from the web site
- Re-think a brand web presence as a social media destination.
What are you doing to build your web traffic with a Facebook Page?