Real estate still the best investment because you can see where your money is.

If you want to succeed you have to have your feet flat to the boards. There are no shortcuts, no royal road to success.

Always try to improve. Make the next scene of the movie better than the last.

Rod Laver was banned from Wimbledon in the late sixties. Got beaten in the quarter finals. In the wake of disappointment don’t let it get you down, keep pressing on.

1972 Nadia Kominich (doubt I got the spelling right) first person to get straight 10’s. How did you achieve this success? My mind is full of getting it exactly right. That takes hard work and effort.

Melbourne Cup is a handicap race. It’s a bit like our national attitude. The Melbourne Cup syndrome.

Gucci brand. I’ll take the best material and the best design and tell people that long after other products have worn out they’ll still be wearing Gucci. Quality is essential.

If you want quality you’ve got to pay the price by working hard.

Great storyteller.

School. Why is it you’re happy to say that we love surfing but won’t say that we love achieving?

I watched them tearing the buildings down…at 15 a boy had learned the difference between being a builder and a knocker.

What was the most important component to success?

Doris McCoy said:

Successful people enjoy their work.
They work with a total involvement.
They have a positive attitude and plenty of confidence.
They never doubt that they will achieve.
They use negative experiences to discover their strengths.
They’re decisive and committed goal setters.
They have integrity and help others succeed.
They take risks. To win without risk is to triumph without glory.
They’re healthy and take time reenergize.
They believe in a higher power.

Negativism is corrosive.

Be democratic, get others on your team to help.

The other price we pay for success is disappointment.

Don’t neglect opportunity.

People need someone who will listen to them.

Success is neither elusive nor illusory.

In summary a fantastic presentation.

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