There are worse things than having no arms and legs.

Most of our challenges aren’t physical, most are mental and emotional.

Principals work no matter the circumstance.

The biggest disability is fear. Men relate our value to what we do. Whether we achieve our goal or not doesn’t change the value of you.

We get scared from discouragement. Often our worst critic is ourselves. To do something new often creates fear. If we have a purpose to our goal then we have the courage to face our fears.

Principal # 1 The purpose, meaning and value of my goal will inspire courage.

I don’t know what I can achieve until I try. Let your passion drive your purpose. If its not meant to be let your dream go. But don’t let that stop you dreaming.

How long do you try? Let your heart decide the answer.

Principal # 2 When I fail I will try again

Keep trying, try different ways.

Principal # 3 Failure = education

Principal # 4 Obstacles = opportunity

You don’t know what’s around the corner until you go there.

Stop complaining about what didn’t go right. Learn from it and move on.

What’s my biggest obstacle, the one that’s hindering me from achieving my goals?

Can your obstacles possibly change? Almost every obstacle can be changed. Some obstacles don’t change but hearts do.

Learn from the best to become the best.

Once we understand that our value as a human doesn’t come from what we do then we can attack whatever we want to do without risk, without fear.

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