
A lot of my friends tell me I’m crazy to climb Jacob’s Ladder 5000 times in a year. They may be right but let me tell you, writing a blog post every day is way harder. I’m not sure why but it is.

365 Blog posts

I wrote 6 posts last week and that puts me down on my target of one per day for the year.

This site is built using WordPress. To create advanced functionality I’ve installed a number of plugins and one of those gave me a headache last week. It’s all sorted now. But my headaches pale in comparison to the challenges some agents now face as new laws about pricing come into effect. Fun days ahead for many.

And speaking of fun, two of this weeks posts were created using the PressThis Chrome extension (available from the WordPress admin panel). When I came across The Anatomy of a WordPress Theme I clicked the PressThis tool in my browser, selected the image and away and then hit publish. It was a 5-minute operation start to finish.

I’m on a mission to generate more sales from this web site and I’m tackling a high bounce rate head on. Expect some big changes to the home page very soon.

Then yesterday I got into an interesting discussion on Facebook about advertising property prices on for sale signs. It’s my belief that holding information back from buyers comes at a cost to sellers and agents.

Total blog posts so far this year: 20.

5000 Laps of Jacob’s Ladder

I’m ahead of target. Getting fitter, feeling stronger. Twenty laps are no longer a concern.

Photo credit: qisur on Flickr.

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