I’ve read some rubbish masquerading as journalism but this one takes the cake. Here’s a few excerpts from an article on BRW entitled Betting Against The House.

There is one group of punters, however, who are pinning their hopes on the failure of the housing market…If you hear a strange counter-call, it’s probably Generation Y, sitting in the nosebleed section, hoping, pleading, fingers-crossed; building up a constant chant: “Crash, crash, crash, crash.”

Genration Y want, no scratch that, need to see property prices come tumbling down. We’ve had the obsession of home ownership instilled in us, but we just can’t afford to get on board.

With each news report of a stumble in building approvals here or skittish investors there, we are willing the whole property market to come tumbling down like a house of cards.

I wonder if she realises that if the housing market crashes her job will go too. So too that of thousands of other Australians. And that list would probably include her parents leading very possibly to them losing their home. There won’t be anyone worrying betting on the housing market , they’ll be too worried about feeding the kids.

I’m sure you get the picture.

My hope is that the article was a satirical piece and I missed the satire. Somehow I doubt it.

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