Victoria Bitter ad
To paraphrase the old VB ads:
You can do it on a train, or even a plane.
You can use a phone while you’re on your own.
A hard-earned thought deserves a good quick blog.
As a matter of fact, I’m blogging now.

Maybe my poetry will never win a Griffin Award but that’s not the point.

The point?

The point is that publishing to the web is easier than ever before. You don’t need to be a tech head or have magical skills. Nor do you need to write War and Peace.

What’s helpful is to have an idea that’s worth sharing, a willingness to share it in it’s most raw form, and a passion for contributing something of value to your tribe.

Key stats about this post

  1. Time taken to complete: 11 minutes
  2. Completed on: iPhone 5
  3. Time spent thinking about beer: 9 minutes

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