I withdrew from my PhD studies today. Quite simply I’ve been unable to commit the hours of work needed to produce the work required.

A PhD is a big undertaking. It’s the Everest of academia and I have enormous respect for anyone who’s achieved either. It takes commitment and dedication and hours upon hours of patient, focused research. And with those hours come sacrifices of all kinds, many I was not willing to make.

Those who know me know I love learning. For me reading French philosophy is like eating chocolate. It’s indulgent and luxurious and I never want it to end. But too much of a good thing is just that: too much.

My supervisors, Tama Leaver and Michele Willson (yes, that is the correct spelling), were both marvelous. They were encouraging and supportive and yet academically rigorous. Having someone keeping my academic apetite in check was unreservedly welcome.

Will I go back? Probably but I’m in no hurry. For the moment I’m going to spend more time building my business and helping others build theirs.

Stay tuned.

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