I ran this morning. And I did some chinups. The chin-up bar was wet from rain. It made it hard to grip. Still, I did sets of 3 chin-ups and 10 push-ups.

Afterwards, I ran for 600 metres at sub-4 minute pace. Running that fast feels great but it takes strength to maintain good form.

I’m going to run fast more often. Most of my running is done at a jog and that’s does little to activate my glutes and hamstrings. A smooth action needs strong glutes and hamstrings to rotate the feet higher at the back. With a higher rotation the runner spends more time in the air and the more time you spend in the air, the faster you run.

So tomorrow I’ll run intervals to improve my speed and efficiency.

I’m an average runner but I’m better at running than I am at chin-ups. That makes me pretty hopeless at chin-ups. But, I’ll persist until I succeed.

Never give up, right?


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