Multitasking makes workers less productive: study.
If you think you’re a master multitasker and can get more done by doing lots of things at once, think again. Research by the American Psychological Association shows that people who multitask can be as much as 40 percent less productive than their one-job-at-a-time counterparts.

Don’t believe me? Try out this test.

The message here?

  1. Don’t tweet/SMS/Facebook update while you’re driving. It’s stupid.
  2. Put your mobile phone away while you’re working on big projects.
  3. Turn off your iPhone notifications. Check on your social media accounts at predetermined times during the day.
  4. Turn off your Outlook email notifications. People don’t need, or expect, an instant reply. Bracket out times of the day to reply to emails.
  5. Get your phone off the dinner table. It’s impossible to be present with your family and friends when you’re switching your attention to your phone every five seconds.

If you agree share this post with your friends. If you don’t, tell me why in the comments below.

The High Cost of Multitasking

by kikikarpus.
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