Will I ever tire of re-working my thesis statement? I already am, but I’m going to continue.

This is what I outlined in my honours presentation:

  • Examine the tensions arising from the publication of personal blogs by employees
  • Employing a Foucauldian analysis
  • Of contestation located around two prominent personal bloggers

I want to work it into a more concise question.

What would a Foucauldian analysis of the contestation found on and around dooce and QueenofSky reveal about the tensions arising from the publication of personal blogs by employees?

It seems clunky. How about:

What do Foucault’s theories say about the contestation found on and around dooce and QueenofSky?

I dropped the last part because that’s really something that may come out of the analysis rather than what I’m doing.

And then:

What do Michel Foucault’s theories indicate about the employment tensions found on and around dooce and QueenofSky?

This last one is more concise. I like.

Best I run off and get some feedback from super coach M.

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