Picture of the Super Moon taken with an iPhone

By that I mean it brought out a bunch of great photographers. Of course I’m not one of them. But I try.

At the appointed hour I scurried out, camera in hand, ready to capture all the beauty of our silver orb when, alas, I found my camera had died. The screen was nothing more than a series of sine curves and squiggles. Almost crushed I grabbed the iPhone and pointed it heavenward. I waited, then waited some more. Nothing but a black screen, blacker even than the shadows cast by the moon.

Still unwilling to let go of my dreams I found an exposure adjustment setting and cranked that to the far right. The moon, once soft and silver turned into a giant start burst of light. All it’s beauty and softness had disappeared. In it’s place was a giant white cross in the middle of thick black nothingness.

But I was still unbent by this technological damnation. I uploaded the pic to Instagram and applied a filter. And that, folks, is what I present to you above. Soft, silvery moon turned into something more akin to the landing of an alien space craft in an even more alien environment.


And for those not satisfied, I include a couple of shots that capture the essence of the super moon.

Photo of super moon over water

Photo of super moon through trees

Image credit: Shot over water by Shayne Kaye and shot through the trees by LadyDragonflyCC – Michigan Weather,,,,,,WOW!.

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