I just enabled G+ on my Google Apps account (had to upgrade to a business account first). I was then presented with the usual create circles/get started dialogue screen and thought “there’s no way I want to start adding people to Circles all over again.” Not to worry Google have a migration wizard in the works.

Here’s what they have to say:

For those of you who’ve already started using Google+ with a personal Google Account and would prefer to use your Google Apps account, we’re building a migration tool to help you move over. With this tool, you won’t have to rebuild your circles, and people who’ve already added you to their circles will automatically be connected to your new profile. We expect this migration option to be ready in a few weeks, so if you’d like, you can go ahead and get started with your Apps account today and merge your connections once the tool is available.

It took more technical work than we expected to bring Google+ to Google Apps, and we thank you for your patience. This integration is just the beginning. We’ll continue to add features and improve the way that Google+ works with Google Apps, and we encourage you to share your ideas.

That’s good news. Now I’ll sit and wait until the migration wizard is available.

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