This weekend, Rita and I travelled to Hyden for Mike and Ash’s wedding.

On the way through Brookton, we found this tractor for sale. At 21 tonnes and 560 horsepower it’s a bargain at $350,000. I asked the owner if he took Bankcard. He laughed and said “nah!”20140316-165226.jpg

The wedding was held on a farm overlooking Hyden. The views and weather were both spectacular.

The boys were nervous. They paced and fretted and looked longingly toward the Eskies.

The bride arrived…on the back of a farm ute. She was stunning dressed in white.
After the wedding, we walked along a gravel road. The sunset was breathtaking. So was my wife.
Later, the reception was held in a shearing shed. It’s amazing how love and ingenuity can convert a workspace into a place that made everyone smile.
Next morning, after a barbecue breakfast, it was time to head home. But not before a quick look at some of the local farm-inspired art.
And because we were in the bush there was no phone and no internet. I loved it.

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