One of the best ways to get a feel for blogging is to be an active commenter on other people’s blogs. Many people read blogs without commenting, and this is often called “lurking”. Not a bad thing but it doesn’t teach you much.

Blogs are all about conversation. A blog post is a conversation starter and a great post stimulates lots of comments. Often people who comment are in fact commenting on other people’s comments; and that’s one of the cool parts about blogging.

Some sites allow anonymous comments, others require you to enter your name (there’s no need to use your real name), your email address (this helps authenticate you as a person), and sometimes a web address (this is where you put your blog address – it helps drive traffic back to your blog). Some sites are a bit more painful, requiring you to register as a user first. If it’s a beaut blog it’s worthwhile doing.

So there’s the tip for today. Be an avid commenter.

You know what to do next.

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