Images are powerful. Beautiful, stunning pictures make a lasting impression. On the other hand photos taken in poor light using a mobile phone camera damage your personal brand.

Before publishing any property photos ask yourself: Is this image lust-worthy? Does it evoke a sense of class? Will it lift the spirits? Does it invite someone to aspire to something greater?

As Rohit Bhargava says on the Influential Marketing Blog:

Use professional imagery to sell. We generally know about real porn, and food porn, but luxury real estate publications are an entirely different category that could almost be called house porn. They feature lustworthy images of houses, villas and mansions that most people only dream about even walking into. And all of it is listed alongside a tantalizing price that would buy you the rights to claim ownership of that dream, if you had the money. The imagery sells the houses and encourages you to dream.

And please, don’t blame poor photography on the quality of the home. Nor, for that matter accept second class photos on rental properties. Each “average” shot says something about your brand, about the agent people would expect if they employed you.

So ask yourself: “What do these pictures say about me?” Like it or not, your next vendor will be checking you out online. They’ll check out the profile pic on your About Me page and the photos of the listings on your website. Each will tell a story about you. It’s a story that the owner may not be aware is being told. Your job is to make it a good one.

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