After being strip searched, x-rayed and ID checked, an international departure lounge is a place that demands patience and the ability to kill time. Here’s what I get up to in the hour or so pre-flight.
- Read a book.
- Have a nap. (I’m yet to miss a flight.)
- Play on Facebook and Twitter.
- Send some last minute emails.
- Change my voicemail greeting.
- Make up stories about others in the departure lounge.
- Add multiple filters to the one photo using different apps. This photo was edited en route to Atlanta in 2012. I was feeling pensive at the time as I was going on to do my first Tough Mudder in Ohio.
- Browse through the bookstore. Buy a book that looks great but I won’t end up reading.
- Grab a coffee.
- Write an idea in my notebook. For some reason I get super creative when I’m travelling.
How about you? How do you kill time in the departure lounge?