If you want more traffic to your site start posting more to Facebook. Image: USFWS Mountain Prairie http://www.flickr.com/photos/51986662@N05/8704165589/
Here are a few of my website traffic stats and four lessons they can teach you.
37.25% comes from m.facebook.com
31.54% comes from Google
12.7% comes from facebook.com
3.38% comes from Twitter
Here’s the takeaway.
- Be active on Facebook. Ignore the advice of people who tell you not to post your listings. Most agents don’t list enough to annoy their audience anyway. Besides, the few people you’ll upset will be more than offset by the bounce you’ll get in the traffic to your site and in the resulting property inquiries.
- Forget about Twitter. If I was relying on traffic from Twitter I’d go broke. Fast. My audience is on Facebook and I’m betting yours is too. If you’re not sure go check out your Google Analytics referrer stats. London to a brick they’ll tell you that most of your traffic is arriving from either visitors typing the URL directly into their browser (direct) or from Google. The majority of your traffic won’t be from Twitter.
- Optimise for mobile. See the stats at the top of the page. They tell the big story of the last 3 years – build for mobile first. The largest referrer of traffic to my site is from users reading my posts on their mobile devices. If it’s a bad experience they won’t come back.
- Make it sticky. My bounce rate – that’s the percentage of people who leave the site after a single visit – is over 80%. That means my content and site design isn’t tempting people to stick and visit other pages. I complained about this before and little has changed. Stay tuned.
How does your site stack up? Your homework is to dive into your Analytics dashboard and find out what’s happening.