Listening is a key strategy for being effective. So is being your own dog.
If you want to be more effective try these simple strategies.
- Take responsibility for what’s happening in your life. Sometimes it’s tempting to blame other people for how we feel or our lack of results but ultimately it’s a disempowering way to live. Instead, when things don’t go to plan, look for what you could change that might lead to a better result next time. If you blame someone else nothing will change but taking responsibility means you’ll be able to make meaningful changes that will give you a different – and hopefully better – outcome next time.
- Lose your smartphone. Your smartphone won’t help you eat dinner or drink beer. Nor will it help you focus on what’s being said in a meeting. Why’s this important? Because people love having our undivided attention. They love knowing that we care enough to listen intently to what they have to say. Checking your phone every few minutes creates a distraction and denies your friends and work colleagues from you being your best.
- Pay attention. Related to the previous point give what you’re doing your full attention. If you’re in a meeting concentrate on what’s being said and especially so if the meeting is boring. People love working with sharp, engaged people. Be one of those people.
- Don’t interrupt. Get into the habit of listening. Avoid the temptation to interject especially with your version of the other person’s experience. Just listen. Nod, ask questions, maintain eye contact (without staring) and let the other person know you understand what they have to say. People love people who listen.
- Get rid of negative people. Life’s too short for negative people. Get rid of them. Toxic relationships and negativity will drag you down. And don’t believe it when people say they’re going to change. Instead, believe it when they have changed.
- Be your own dog. Start living your life on your terms and your schedule, not someone else’s. Want a good place to start? Turn off social media and email notifications on your smartphone. Set up your own schedule of checking your email and Facebook. People love people who are drivers of their own life. Be one of those people.
- Don’t be a whinger. No-one likes a whinger or a whiner. Decide today to replace complaint with action. If you don’t like something do something. If you’re not willing to do something you then what you’re complaining about isn’t really important. Now start looking for something positive, supportive and encouraging to say. Be a positive influence in your own life and in the lives of those around you.
What are your tips for living a more effective life?
Image: Zach Dischner on Flickr.