2011 was the year of Jacob’s Ladder. It resulted in me being fitter than ever before. That felt great but leaves the question of what’s next for 2012.

I recently spotted a post on LinkedIn by MariSmith (@marismith) in which she asked the question “What’s the one word that will define your 2012.” It resonated with me and ever since I’ve been thinking what word would define my 2012.

At first I thought Speed. That would give me a reason to improve my reaction times (for boxing), my leg speed (for running) and the speed at which I do business. All have merit. I could set individual challenges for each and all would improve parts of my life.

For example, speed at work might mean reducing the time it takes for us to respond to new instructions to act. That speed would translate into more customer satisfaction.

Speed alone though is an empty promise. Sure we could serve people quickly but would that, on it’s own, improve customer satisfaction? The answer is, of course, no. Yet mixed with values such as respect, trust and generosity it becomes a kind of guiding mantra. In other words our work is guided by our values and done at speed.

I later thought I could use Strength. Although I like the idea of being strong physically it doesn’t work for me at work or at home. I don’t see myself as a ‘strong’ leader but rather one who leads through consistency of values and purpose.

I then came up with Giving. In fact I tweeted that this was *the* word for the year.

Peter FletcherPeter Fletcher – @peterfletcher
Inspired by @MariSmith the word that’s going to shape my 2012 is Giving.

My thinking that Giving would guide me to serve others and be generous with my time and resources; and it would. Yet as much it would do that Giving misses something that’s important: my life as an athlete. I thrive on being an athlete and I love the feeling of existing on the limit of what I believe is physically possible.

So I’m sticking with Speed.

Here are a few goals that could come out of Speed.

  1. 10 laps of Jacob’s Ladder in 25 minutes. That’s really hard!
  2. Acknowledge new Instructions to Act within 5 minutes. Not within 24 hours, not the same day, within 5 minutes. In other words, instantly!
  3. Do a 2k time trial in 6 minutes. Is that fast? I’m not sure.
  4. Notify clients within 3 minutes of settlement taking place. Referring agents within 5. It’s all about instant!

I don’t need to go on anymore. Speed is the new word.

2012 is going to be the year of Speed!

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