Leaders care about results, not about how they look. Image: West Point – US Military Academy https://www.flickr.com/photos/west_point/5661275835/

#1 – You’re driven by passion

You love what you do and believe in your heart of hearts that the world needs what you and your team have to offer. If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, get the hell out of the way and let someone else lead. Leaders lead, they don’t hold back ambitious people.

#2 – You’re driven by duty

Passion will get you so far but often leaders need to dig into reserves when things don’t go to plan. A strong sense of duty helps a leader stay the course when the easiest thing to do would be to pack it all in and move to Bali.

#3 – You’ve got grit

Unlike others, you don’t give in when the going gets tough. Instead, you find reserves within yourself to keep going. No-one ever said about you that you’re a quitter.

#4 – You shine the spotlight on others

Good leaders know that, in accepting accolades, they do so so as representatives of their team. They recognise the important part that others in their organisation have played in achieving success and shine the spotlight on those people who’ve helped along the way.

#5 – You get things done quietly and without fuss

Good leaders avoid making their work about them. Instead, they make it their job to get work done without huffing and puffing or turning themselves into either heroes or martyrs. They care little about their looks and a lot about the difference they’re making.

They don’t just talk about stuff and they don’t over analyse. Instead, while others are asleep, they make things happen. They build a team and get the wagon train heading in the right direction. 

#6 – You surround yourself with the right people

Face it, you can’t know everything about everything. Inevitably you’re going to need to ask for help. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses and start adding people to your team who compensate for your weaknesses and build on your strengths.

#7 – You’re a communicator

You don’t bottle stuff up. You ask for help and support where needed. You let people know where you’re at. You let people into your world. Sure, it’s nice to be a great orator in the style of Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King, but that’s not so important as communicating so as to build relationships.

#8 – You’re a good listener

If you want to get the best from your team…listen. Listen to their ideas, their concerns and their fears. Ask questions and then shut up. Empower people to speak their minds.

#9 – You never abandon your troops

If you’re troops are under attack be the first person to go to their defence. Often leaders will let customers savage their workers and hide behind the “customer is always right BS.” No, the customer isn’t always right. Some times they can be arrogant, disrespectful twats. If someone is disrespecting your team, go to their defence. Leave the communication skills lecture for later.

#10- You speak the truth

You praise people when they do great work and give them honest feedback when they’re performance isn’t up to par. Mincing words isn’t your style. People want to know where you’re at. They don’t like to be forced to guess about your motivations and your stance on an issue. 

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